

For more information or to apply to become a Member or Partner, please contact the Network Chair Holder at Southampton University: r.h.farr@soton.ac.uk or lkb@soton.ac.uk or f.sturt@soton.ac.uk .

Network Statutes state that:

Article 2 - Membership

Universities or similar academic teaching institutions, which offer a full degree course in maritime or underwater archaeology, be it at graduate or postgraduate level, within a recognized and accredited academic framework, may become a member of the Network (hereinafter “Member”).

Article 3 - Associate Membership

An institution can apply to become an associate member (hereinafter “Associate Member”) when it, while not having a full degree course in maritime or underwater archaeology, delivers courses or carries out training or research in the field, within a recognized and accredited academic framework and is working in compliance with the principles of the Convention.

Article 4 – Recognized Partners

Governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) having activities related to underwater archaeology, as well as centres of research, may apply to become a recognized partner of the Network (hereinafter “Recognized Partner”).

Article 5 – Accredited Observers

The UNESCO UNITWIN Network may decide to consult and collaborate with other universities, governmental organizations and competent non-governmental organizations, in particular NGOs accredited by the Meeting of States Parties of the Convention, relating to activities within the scope of the Network.

Article 6 – UNESCO Representation

The Director-General of UNESCO or his/her representative may participate in the work of the Meeting. He/she may, at any time, make either oral or written statements on any question under discussion.

Article 7 – Admission Procedure

1. Institutions wishing to become Member, Associate Member, Recognized Partner or Observer of the Network shall apply through a written request, signed by the authorized representative of the institution.

2. The application letter shall be accompanied by a summary description of the Institution’s activities, achievements and programmes in the field of maritime or underwater archaeology, including a detailed programme outline and course descriptions.

3. Decisions on Membership, Associated Membership, Recognized Partnership and Observers are made on the basis of a full application by the majority vote of the Network Members. Decisions will be made within a reasonable time, not normally exceeding six months. A declaration of support from the National Commission for UNESCO of the concerned country may be requested by the Network’s Chair Holder.

Please, note that the letter should be addressed to the Network Chair Holder and although the summary description accompanying the letter should include information as outlined above, institutions may address the following to give the Network Members a clear outline:
  • Provide an historic background of your institution related to its activities in maritime or underwater archaeology
  • Does your institution offer a full degree in maritime or underwater archaeology?
  • If not a full degree what kind of courses does your institution deliver, training opportunities does your institution provide, or what research activities related to maritime or underwater archaeology does your institution undertake?
  • How many students are enrolled in your full degree program or courses, training or research activities?
  • What is the name of degree?
  • What are the contact hours?
  • What field work or field school activities does your institution support or undertake each year?
  • How many faculty or staff are involved in these activities? Who are they and what is their specialty? Are they permanent staff or are they on contract?
  • Does your institution have a research centre related to maritime or underwater archaeology?
  • What sustained research in maritime or underwater archaeology does your institution support or undertake?